Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Day 22: Etruscan Museum

Soo today was very much so a recovery day and some much needed "me" time. The Etruscan Museum was quite overwhelming. I took Greek Mythology before, but the whole making connections thing was just not working at all. It would have been quite helpful to have a classicist on this excursion to point out the mythological scenes represented on the pottery. Nevertheless, I did fine one piece as striking. photos here....but I'll try to explain the piece as best as possible.

On entering the museum, the display case in the southwest far corner upon entering is a display of small pots. The small pots, most likely used for oil, could be dated to approximately 2nd Century. In this small display, one pot had an etched cross on the side. Nothing elaborate in any way, just a hand etched cross. The whole time from then on out in the museum, I was looking for christian symbols. I could not find any on any piece dated from pre-medieval times. I make the claim that this pot was either recycled from family to family or this pot was used in a family that was converted to christianity. Other than that....I've got nothing......Apologies.

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