Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Days 27-29: Florence

Ohhh Firenze......First, thank you Trenitalia for going on strike......Real cool....However, thank you kind bus service for taking us from Siena to Florence. Also, thank you Katie for your fearless attitude when taking us to Hotel Pendini. I would have given your GPS skills a 9.7 (.3 deduction for Ipad usage) if it wasn't for the confidence on that final turn. You're welcome for the save :) However I still give you a 9.6.

I'll give the staff a 10 for the hotel selection and more specifically the room selection for the males. Te penthouse was very much appreciated. From our jacuzzi sized bath tub I could tell anyone what the line was like for the carousel and if the music from the piazza was any good. Who needs a concierge, when you have room 316?

Okay, back to Florence itself. I absolutely loved the city of Florence. It was a perfect blend of small town feel, but also a big city hustle and bustle. There are some points there which one can tell is just booming the economy, and other places that allow one to sit back and enjoy nature.

Now that I expressed my view of Florence itself, Connection time!
1. In the Duomo of Florence (which is somewhat of a let down) there were a couple interesting sarcophagi. The sarcophagi pirctured below looks somewhat like others we have seen before except for the sculpture of the person buried. According to this sculpture, this guy really didn't sleep too much. Rather, he sat in his La-Z-Boy watching the latest episode of Desperate Housewives, Glee, or a favorite John Wayne flick....and nodded off from time to time.
2. The Basilica of Santa Croce was home to a small museum of sorts. In this museum were many medieval crucifixes. Remember that one time I predicted seeing a more "developed" evil eye amulet on christ? Well, my prophesy came true. I'll take any arguments against this thesis, but pictured here is the dead Jesus with the shadow/outline of a phallus from his upper to lower abdomen. A symbol that even in death, evil will still attempt to attack Jesus. Also, that even in death, Jesus will defeat evil.

Does this mean that I get my own book in the Old Testament?

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